In this week’s update, we watched videos and read the paper presented by shelly Moore about inclusivity and diversity in classrooms. I thought this was very interesting.

In the paper, I found it very interesting how Shelly asked all her students to label diagrams and identify them as inclusion, exclusion, integration or segregation. This made me go wow, it was fascinating as I had never thought of these concepts as diagrams. Furthermore, I found it really interesting how the student argued with Shelly about the inclusion diagram and made Shelly realize that there is no β€œother”.

Furthermore, In the first video, it was thought-provoking when Shelly used the bowling example to make us understand the relationship between the student and the teacher. And how some students who go through more challenges need more support from teachers, but sometimes the teachers have to make a choice. Moreover, she explained that in order to get a better output sometimes we have to change our aim completely and instead, try to hit the issues that are most difficult to resolve.