In this week’s update, we had to read the “Emerging Technologies in Distance Education” paper by George Veletsianos. This paper discussed the concept of distance learning as well as the tools that could better support distance learning. What made me go “wow” was when the writer expressed the disappointment regarding how general technology is being updated so fast but the technology for learning has had a really slow updating rate. The writer further explained this by stating how so many students feel disengaged in their courses. As well as the tools and technology that we use for distant learning seem to be a replica of the traditional face-to-face learning.

I can completely understand and relate to this issue. As soon as covid started schools went starting to tools such as Zoom/Blackboard/MS Teams. But no one realized that this is the replication of in-person learning and students still require some additional tools to keep them motivated and further to keep them engaged. I “wonder” what sorts of tools can be used to keep students better motivated and engaged during distanced learning.